March 9, 2008   









"Taking Players to the Next Level"

High School Winter Training Program - 2
Class of 2013, 2012 & 2011 ONLY - 30 Player Max

Professional Baseball Instruction of Illinois' High School Winter Training program one is the most intense and thorough off-season training program available for high school freshman. PBI-IL will prepare you for the upcoming high school season just as the pros do through our "spring training" approach. The program consists of twenty two 1.5 hour workouts over a 3 month span.

Our program is constantly being cultivated by PBI-IL hand in hand with current and former professional managers, coaches and players. The PBI-IL staff works on a regular basis to keep the HSWTP on the cutting edge of baseball training methods. Each aspect of the program is developed and currently updated by PBI-IL and the following Major Leaguers:

Leo Mazzone - Legendary Atlanta Braves pitching coach (Pitchers)
Clint Hurdle - Former Manager of the Colorado Rockies (Hitters)
Sam Pelozzo - 3B & Infield coach of the Seattle Mariners (IF & OF)
Todd Hundley - 11 Year Veteran MLB Catcher (Catchers)

This session is designed to build on the HSWTP - 1 with more advanced fundamental concepts and more live game situations, live at bats and live innings pitched.

Position Specific Workouts

All pitchers will be put on a progressive throwing program consisting of long toss, short range, flat ground and mound work. They will learn to develop "command" of their fastball (4-seam & 2-seam) regardless of how hard they throw. We will develop a change-up that feels good to them and a breaking pitch that they are capable of throwing consistently. In February, pitchers will compete in live innings and live game situations. Pitchers will learn how to throw bullpens properly as a starter and a reliever as well as developing an in-season throwing routine. Pitching strategy will be a main focus as well. The pitchers will be put on a full shoulder and elbow maintenance program and learn how to care for their arm throughout the season. Defensively, we will improve quickness and awareness of pick-off moves to all bases as well as overall pitchers fielding practice (PFP). Offensively, pitchers who hit, will hit.
All catchers will be put on a progressive throwing program. The health and strength of a catchers' arm is just as important as the pitchers'. Catchers will work on all the physically and mental skills required to be proficient behind the "dish". Areas of concentration are: Receiving, blocking, throwing to all bases, pick-off throws, fielding bunts, fielding pop-ups, "plays at the plate," tags, double plays, 1st & 3rd responsibilities, and run-downs. Throughout the program catchers will be working very closely with the pitchers. Classifying hitters, understanding pitchers, and calling a game will be discussed. Catchers not only learn and develop the physical skills needed to be a good catcher, but the mental aspects of how to control the game, the team, and be a leader on the field will be enhanced. As a catcher, your priority is defense. Making your pitcher look good and keeping your team "in the game" is your job. There are many aspects to the position that need to be mastered. Offensively, catchers will work with our hitting instructors & practice their base running.
All infielders will be put on a progressive throwing program to develop arm strength and health. During the course of a game infielders need to execute throws from a wide variety of arm angles and body positions. Each position on the infield will work on the proper mechanics of these throws and learn how to treat every throw "with a purpose". 1st & 3rd basemen, and middle infielders will work on their position specific skills throughout the program. This includes routine, backhand, glove side, slow-rollers, high-choppers, short-hops, hard hit balls, and line drives. Proper footwork, double plays, making tags, relay throws, 1st and 3rd responsibilities, run-downs, bunt defenses, and pick-off plays will all be taught according to position. Offensively, all infielders will work with our hitting instructors & practice their base-running.
Outfielders will be put on a progressive throwing program to develop arm strength and health. As an outfielder, footwork is KEY. Footwork on all ground and fly-balls must be highly developed. All outfielders will work on routine ground-balls, angles of approach to ground and fly-balls, and getting a strong and accurate throw to the infield quickly. Offensively, outfielders will work with our hitting instructors & practice their base running.
In December, hitters will learn and develop hitting skills through tee work, drills that focus on mechanics and proper fundamentals for each individual hitter and batting practice (BP). Live BP will be the norm in January, and in February, hitters will compete in live situations against the pitchers and catchers. This program will reinforce the absolutes of hitting.

Live Competition

Throughout the program, there will be live game situations with a IHSA patched umpire. Players will be split into two teams and rotated defensively. These scrimmages will be live games with live at bats and live pitching.

  • Each hitter will take live at-bats
  • Each pitcher will throw live innings.
  • Catchers will catch during live situations and throw full distances to all bases
  • Infielders will take live ground balls and make full-distance throws
  • Position players will base-run in live game situations
  • All player will work on live defensive situations, such as 1st and 3rd defense, bunt defenses, run-downs and pick off plays

Program Dates & Times

HSWTP begins on December 2nd and continues through February 24th. (21 Total Workouts)
Thursdays - 9:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Sundays - 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Please note, there are no workouts on 12/23, 12/26, 12/30, & 2/6

Player Commitment

All Players are Expected to...
1. Be Present at All Workouts
2. Arrive on-time For All Workouts
3. Dress in proper baseball attire, i.e. baseball pants, jersey or t-shirt, hat, belt, socks, and turfs or molded spikes (Pitchers may NOT wear spikes.)

Costs & Registration

$699.00 if paid in full
2 Installments of $399.50 ($799.00 total)
(first installment due 12/2 at latest, second installment due 1/15)





28039 NorthPointe Parkway
Lake Barrington, Illinois 60010
Phone: (847) 842-0003