Do you have a child playing tee ball this spring? Maybe you're coaching tee ball. PBI instructor Jim Monaghan and 5-year old Jack have a couple of tips for you including proper placement of the tee in relation to home plate, and the fallacy of "get your back elbow … [Read more...]
PBI Pro Tips #14 – Multipurpose Base Running Drill
Have trouble with your base runners taking things one base at a time? Do your batters stop on first base without running through the bag? Do runners on third leave too early on fly balls to the outfield that are caught? Here's a great drill that helps players get into a two-bases-at-a-time … [Read more...]
PBI Pro Tips #10 – Upper Body Throwing Drill 1
Do you have a young baseball player who's coming around the ball when he throws? Or a pitcher who isn't finishing his pitches properly? PBI instructor Jim Monaghan and 10-year old Tyler show you an easy drill that works on helping ballplayers stay on top of the ball (instead of coming off the … [Read more...]
PBI Pro Tips #7 – Clemente Tee Drill
The Clemente tee drill serves a number of purposes. It really helps a hitter use his hands properly, helps correct lunging at the ball, and by taking the lower body out of the equation it can also assist a hitter who has a tendency to step out as the pitch … [Read more...]
PBI Pro Tips #6 – Helping Hitters Be “Short To the Ball”
This edition of PBI Pro Tips takes a look at a drill designed to help hitters shorten their swing. For hitters who drag the head of the bat through the hitting zone, or who seem to be late getting the barrel of the bat to the ball, this drill is designed to get the barrel of the bat into the … [Read more...]
PBI Pro Tips #5 – Keeping Your Hands “Inside the Ball”
Do you have a problem getting the barrel of the bat consistently to the ball? It could be because you're letting your hands get too far away from your body. We call this "casting," a reference to fishermen who cast their lines out. In this edition of PBI Pro Tips, we show you a couple of … [Read more...]
PBI Pro Tips #4 – youth sport specialization
It's one of the current hot-button issues in youth sports - should athletes specialize in just one sport at an early age? Current studies link early specialization - to the exclusion of other sports - to an increase in throwing arm injuries. Baseball Health Network founder Steve Hayward, PBI's … [Read more...]
PBI Pro Tips #3 – using resistance bands
Whether you're looking to build or maintain arm strength, trying to rehab an arm injury, or just looking for a way to warm your arm up, resistance bands are invaluable for the throwing athlete. Working with a 16U high school pitcher, Baseball Health Network founder Steve Hayward demonstrates a … [Read more...]
PBI Pro Tips #2 – mid-week throwing for fall pitchers
If you play fall baseball, and you're a pitcher, it's very important that you maintain your arm strength during the course of your season...especially if you pitched in the spring and summer, too. Most fall leagues play on Sundays and too many pitchers don't get in a mid-week throwing session the … [Read more...]
Introducing PBI Pro Tips
Professional Baseball Instruction is pleased to welcome you to PBI PRO TIPS. This is a new video series that will provide training tips, coaching advice, and more from the coaches at Professional Baseball Instruction. In this first installment, Jim Monaghan & Steve Hayward from PBI and the … [Read more...]