Last Two Weeks of PBI 2018 Summer Camp

Can you believe that summer is almost over?

2018 Summer Camp WinnersProfessional Baseball Instruction has two weeks of summer camp left – we will be in Upper Saddle River August 20-23 at the Hess Court Fields and back in Paramus August 27-30 at Petruska Park.

We offer two levels of instruction in the summer – our Minors Program is designed for players between the ages of 6-12. The Majors Program is for players between the ages of 12 and 16 playing on the 60/90 field.

COST – see table below

Coming to one of our outdoor camps and interested in additional private instruction? One-on-one lessons are available at any outdoor camp location. Call us TOLL-FREE 800-282-4638 in advance to schedule.

Outdoor Summer Camp Schedule - MINORS (AGES 7-12)

MINORS 1ParamusJune 28-July 2Midland Field9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 2ParamusJuly 5-9Midland Field9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 3ParamusJuly 12-16Midland Field9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 4ParamusJuly 19-23Sirianni Park9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 5ParamusJuly 26-30Midland Field9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 6Upper Saddle RiverAugust 2-6Hess Court Fields9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 7Upper Saddle RiverAugust 9-13Hess Court Fields9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 8Upper Saddle RiverAugust 16-20Hess Court Fields9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 9Upper Saddle RiverAugust 23-27Hess Court Fields9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MINORS 10Upper Saddle RiverAugust 30-Sept 3Hess Court Fields9AM - 2PMREGISTER ONLINE

Outdoor Summer Camp Schedule - MAJOR (AGES 13-16)

MAJORS 1ParamusJune 28-July 2Midland Field9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 2ParamusJuly 5-9Midland Field9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 3ParamusJuly 12-16Midland Field9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 4ParamusJuly 19-23Sirianni Park9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 5ParamusJuly 26-30Midland Field9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 6Upper Saddle RiverAugust 2-6Hess Court Fields9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 7Upper Saddle RiverAugust 9-13Hess Court Fields9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 8Upper Saddle RiverAugust 16-20Hess Court Fields9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 9Upper Saddle RiverAugust 23-27Hess Court Fields9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE
MAJORS 10Upper Saddle RiverAugust 30 - Sept 3Hess Court Fields9AM-2PMREGISTER ONLINE

Summer Outdoor Camp Prices

TownMember PriceNon-member PriceLengthSpecial Notes
Outdoor Camps$259.99 per week/$65.00 per day$299.99 per week/$75.00 per dayMon-Fri9 AM - 2 PM

WHEN WE MEET – Each camp consists of four 4-hour sessions from 9AM -1PM Monday through Thursday with Friday used as a rain date. Full-day sessions are 9AM – 4PM.

ITEMS TO BRING – Each player should bring a baseball glove, bat, and batting helmet. Batting gloves are optional. All camper should wear baseball-appropriate clothing. NO JEANS, PLEASE.

LUNCH – Each day we break for a quick lunch (approximately 25 minutes). PBI does not provide lunch for half-day camp, so players should pack a light lunch. For full-day campers, lunch will be provided.

GROUPING OF STUDENTS – PBI will be dividing the students into age and skill groups. Students will first be grouped by age, then may be moved according to skill level. Each group will be trained to match their skill level. WE DO NOT GROUP 8-YEAR OLDS WITH 12-YEAR OLDS. PBI has a maximum 8:1 student-to-coach ratio.

WEATHER – In the event of questionable weather, call 800-282-4638 ext 7 for a recording with weather-related updates. In the event camp needs to be cancelled due to weather, we will typically make a decision by 8:15AM. On occasion, depending upon the specific situation, we may not make a decision until later. Fields must be in good condition to avoid possible injuries.

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