Professional Baseball Instruction‘s “floating” hitting/fielding & pitching/catching clinics are designed for players between the ages of 8 and 12 and allow you to design your own clinic program around your schedule. Choose one day per week for each of the four weeks.
PBI Members – $188.99 (4-week program)
Non-members – $209.99 (4-week program)
April 2025 Hitting & Fielding "Floating" Clinics
800-W | Wednesday | April 2, 9, 16, 23 | 4:30-6:00 PM | REGISTER ONLINE |
800-F | Friday | April 4, 11, 18, 25 | 4:00-5:30 PM | REGISTER ONLINE |
April 2025 Pitching "Floating" Clinics
801-PW | Wednesday | April 2, 9, 16, 23 | 4:30-6:00 PM | REGISTER ONLINE |
801-PF | Friday | April 4, 11, 18, 25 | 4:00-5:30 PM | REGISTER ONLINE |
May 2025 Hitting & Fielding "Floating" Clinics
900-W | Wednesday | April 30, May 7, 14, 21 | 4:30-6:00 PM | REGISTER ONLINE |
900-F | Friday | May 2, 9, 16, 23 | 4:00-5:30 PM | REGISTER ONLINE |
May 2025 Pitching "Floating" Clinics
901P-W | Wednesday | April 30, May 7, 14, 21 | 4:30-6:00 PM | REGISTER ONLINE |
901P-F | Friday | May 2, 9, 16, 23 | 4:00-5:30 PM | REGISTER ONLINE |
Here is our 2025 Spring Floating Clinic Brochure.
The hitting portion of the program will cover intermediate to advanced skills. Swing plane, lower and upper body mechanics training, and leading up to advanced skills of hitting for power and hitting the count. We will hit off of various training devices to continue to cultivate a solid fundamental hitting base. We will perform innovative drills to increase your chances of hitting the ball on the “sweet spot” consistently. Our hitting stations, when performed properly, create positive muscle memory, effectively replacing poor habits with good habits. Live hitting will also be part of the program. Baserunning work will complete the offensive training portion of the program. Our hitting program has been designed with the help of Pittsburgh Pirates Manager Clint Hurdle and has been recognized as 5 STAR by former San Francisco Giants Manager Felipe Alou.
As for the fielding portion of the program students will learn and sharpen basic fielding fundamentals and then move onto more intermediate and advanced skill-work, including backhand drills, forehand drills, short hops, long hops, double plays, making tags, and learn how to consistently field “thru the ball” which is vital to being a solid infielder. Outfield ground balls, fly balls, and getting the proper approach to the ball will also be covered. All students will make numerous throws from basic fielding positions and off-balance. Our step-by-step approach will have your child ready to play with confidence at the next level. Current Minnesota Twins infield instructor Sam Perlozzo and former MLB short stop Mike Aviles constantly keep PBI on the cutting edge of training for fielders.
*Please note that students in the program will be grouped by age, then by skill level*
PBI will develop solid fundamental pitching mechanics and improve strike-to-ball ratios through specific training drills. Pitching mechanics will be worked on at every training session through our “building blocks” program that has developed top-level youth pitchers. Pitchers will be educated to the mechanics and how they relate to each pitch- All pitchers WILL throw strikes. Pitching: a complex theory and understanding broken into simple to comprehend drills and teaching. All students will develop a thorough thought process of pitching and understand the responsibilities that are vital to pitching success. Students that are at a more advanced level will also learn and develop a change-up to complement their fastball. All pitchers will throw off of regulation Little League or 50/70 mounds, get charted, and have their pitches clocked with our radar gun. We will round out the program by working on fielding skills associated with pitching including bunts, cover 1B and come backers. PBI’s pitching programs are designed with the help of legendary Major League pitching coach Leo Mazzone.